Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Symbols of Our Nation's Capital

When preparing to go to our Nation's Capital last month I was excited to see the big sites and have a fun visit. Although I knew I was in for a good time, I didn't expect that I would be going to a warm and beautiful place. Coming from Alaska I didn't expect extremely cold weather, but I definitely didn't expect temperatures reaching up into the lower 60's. Upon my arrival to DC, at about 10 pm, the temperature was a balmy 47 degrees. Since I was coming from Alaska where it was -10 degrees, I felt like I had been dropped off in the tropics rather than Washington DC. While the first evening in DC was nice, the next day I was in for treat because the temperatures reached 61 degrees. In the photos you see above I wanted to depict a few of the common tourist traps for people from out of town. Me, being a first timer to DC, wanted to see all of the big sites and have a grand old time. Seeing the house of the president, and a variety of other national monuments, ended up being a very pleasing day for me and my companions.

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