Monday, April 19, 2010

Coca Cola

Coca Cola has become a drink that many Americans drink on a daily basis. This delicious beverage, however, is one that some skeptics say causes obesity in the United States and around the world. While drinking Coke may seem like a hazard to your health based off of reviews from health officials, but the truth of the matter is that the health risk isn't Coca Cola, rather it is the consumer. A Coke a day wouldn't cause a person to become overweight or obese, while drinking a 32oz soda and not exercising may be a serious risk to one's health. While some people still scoff at the negative aspects of Coke, there are many people, like myself, that think Coca Cola is a delightful drink. Over the years the Coca Cola Company and the Bottling Companies have realized the negative publicity that has come about due to the sugar contents and the caffeine that is in Coke, for this reason there are drinks like Coke Zero, Diet Coke, and Caffeine free Diet Coke that provide "more healthy" ways to drink Coke products. In the images above you can see how the Coca Cola industry has been a long lasting part of American History. Not only does the Coca Cola Company provide a great drink for many people, they also support the community in a variety of different ways. Two such examples are the support that is given to the Olympics and the Special Olympics and the Coca Cola Scholars Foundation that provides scholarships to high school seniors who are leaders throughout the country. So whether it be supporting the economy, giving back to the community, or providing a tasty drink, the Coca Cola Company plays a large role in America today.

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